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Saturday 18 June 2011

5 Golden Rules for Saving Marriage

Is your relationship on the rocks? Perhaps you have even discussed divorce?
It’s never to late to try and get your love back. Here are the golden rules for saving marriages.

Rule 1: Create an atmosphere. It’s the little things that can turn a happy house into a negative environment. Do you best to avoid disapproving looks and flippant comments instead making sure there’s lots of positive chat, smiles, winks and more. Think back to the 'old atmosphere' you used to have in the house and try to recreate it. If the house has a happy, upbeat feel about it then you are both likely to pick up on that.

Rule 2: Look for the best in each other. Make an effort to see positive qualities in your partner rather than always taking a critical approach. Remember all those things you found attractive and make a point of looking for them. By getting in touch with your softer side you can recreate those old, loving feelings again.

Rule 3: Dress to impress! Wear clothes your partner likes. But don’t just stop on the outside, make an effort to show your partner all those character traits you know they find attractive. Trigger all the old feelings by reminding them what they had and still have.

Rule 4: From small beginnings: introduce the concept that perhaps divorce is not right for you both; that maybe you have something worth saving. Don’t push it, but definitely get the idea across that rekindling your romance could be on the cards.

Rule 5: Build on the foundations. Once the idea of saving your marriage is on the table you can build from that. It’s going to take a lot of time, listening and talking but most importantly, it’s going to take you addressing those thorny issues that threaten your marriage.
If your marriage is in crisis it’s never too late to take action. Even if just one of you wants to save your marriage you can find resources that enable you to start again.

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